What's New in phpDesigner 7

[ 2010-09-25 16:06:00 | 作者: admin ]
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phpDesigner——php程序和WEB开发的最好编辑器和PHP IDE。快速,省时,强大。稳定!phpDesigner不仅是一个功能强大,速度超快的PHP IDE和PHP编辑器,也是一个功能丰富的CSS和JavaScript编辑器,它既适合新手也适合经验丰富的开发人员。 phpDesigner 能帮你编辑分析,测试,发布程序和由php,HTML或其它WEB语言驱动的站点。不管您是PHP网页设计高手,或者是刚入门的新手,您都可以使用此软件来帮您设计网页程序(SQL、HTML 亦支持)。






phpDesigner v7.2 最新版下载(附注册机)
phpDesigner 7
phpDesigner 7 version 7.2.2 -- 30. Aug 2010


New. Search has been divided into Find and Replace
New. Format toolbar is by default hidden
New. Upgraded to PHP 5.3.3
New. Upgraded to Xdebug 2.1.05
New. Enabled MySQL in PHP
New. Added support for aes-192 and aes-256 encryption algorithms (sftp)
New. Improved performance of data transferring (sftp)
New. Check max opened files (with last used files)
New. Upgraded link to jQuery 1.4.2 (latest, uncompressed and compressed)
New. Upgraded link to jQuery UI 1.8.4 (latest, uncompressed and compressed)
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Blind
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Bounce
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Clip
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Drop
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Explode
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Fade
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Fold
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Highlight
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Pulsate
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Scale
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Shake
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Slide
New. Added link to jQuery UI Effects Transfer
New. Added link to jQuery UI Accordio
New. Added link to jQuery UI Autocomplete
New. Added link to jQuery UI Button
New. Added link to jQuery UI Datepicker
New. Added link to jQuery UI Dialog
New. Added link to jQuery UI Draggable
New. Added link to jQuery UI Droppable
New. Added link to jQuery UI Mouse
New. Added link to jQuery UI Position
New. Added link to jQuery UI Progressbar
New. Added link to jQuery UI Resizable
New. Added link to jQuery UI Selectable
New. Added link to jQuery UI Slider
New. Added link to jQuery UI Sortable
New. Added link to jQuery UI Tabs
New. Added link to jQuery UI Widget
New. Upgraded link to Ext JS 3.1.0 (uncompressed and compressed)
New. Upgraded link to Yahoo! User Interface Library (YUI) 2.8.1 (uncompressed and compressed)
New. Upgraded link to Dojo 1.5 (uncompressed and compressed)
New. Upgraded link to MooTools 1.2.4 (uncompressed and compressed)
New. Upgraded link to Prototype 1.6.1
Fixed. Shorten the registration dialog (netbooks)
Fixed. Download URL for jQuery
Fixed. Removed the shortcut alt+ctrl+o (conflicted with Polish user)
Fixed. Shortcut for Duplicate Line
Fixed. Added missing attribute to XHTML rel="external"
Minor fixes and improvements
phpDesigner 7
phpDesigner 7 version 7.2.1 -- 5. May 2010


New. French language file updated
New. Turkish language file updated
New. Traditional Chinese language file updated
New. License agreement (updated)
Fix. Code completion (loading direct instances)
Fix. Go to declaration (loading direct instances)
Fix. Display syntax highlighting in the drop-down menu
Minor fixes and improvements
phpDesigner 7
phpDesigner 7 version 7.2 -- 14. Apr 2010


New. Upgraded to PHP 5.3.2
New. Option to disable highlighting the active line, default off (Preferences > Editor)
New. Show project panel
New. Always show the project panel when loading a project, default on
New. Support for resizing the Go to declaration dialog
New. Added default shortcut alt+ctrl+o for Go to files
New. Option to set the configuration file php.ini for PHP syntax check
New. The Layout manager now prompt and ask if phpDesigner 7 is closed before resetting
New. Czech language file updated
New. Polish language file updated
New. French language file updated
New. Chinese language file updated
New. Portuguese language file added
Fix. Date and time dialog
Fix. File tab visibility when cancelling the close all document command
Fix. Close all documents
Fix. Search overrides the bookmark indicators
Fix. Support for more than 1024 characters editor width (Preferences > Editor)
Fix. Removed built-in shortcut for column mode
Fix. Shorten the highlighter names on the editor toolbar
Fix. Disabled the url dialog when typing <a href=""...> (for faster typing)
Fix. PHP syntax check now uses the same installation as debugging by default
Fix. If there is no warning or errors generated by the HTML Tidy the panel will not be showed
Fix. The HTML Tidy now works with Windows 7
Minor fixes and improvements
phpDesigner 7
phpDesigner 7 version 7.1 -- 03. February 2010


New. New created files are marked as modified (optional)
New. Insert images from the file browser as html/css tags
New. Insert images from the file system as html/css tags
New. Upgraded to PHP 5.3.1
New. Upgraded Xdebug to 2.0.5
New. Syntax check for PHP now checks for missing ;
New. Run now support PHP scripts (previously it only supported HTML)
New. Option to hide the Editor toolbar from the menu View
New. Option to hide the Debug button on the Editor toolbar from the menu View
New. Option to hide the Run button on the Editor toolbar from the menu View
New. Option to hide the Localhost button on the Editor toolbar from the menu View
New. Option to hide the Syntax highlighter button on the Editor toolbar from the menu View
New. File tab (select before close)
New. Code explorer for PHP now lists variables inside functions
New. Keep text when auto inserting brackets
New. The HTML tag <u> has been replaced with <ins>
New. Wine compatible (linux/ubuntu)
New. Upgraded connection to jQuery 1.4
New. Added support for connecting to jQuery UI 1.7.2
New. JavaScript functions from the code competition will now include ()
New. Added Go to Declaration to the Go to menu
New. Support for changing the shortcut for the Go to Declaration function
New. Macedonian language file added
New. Greek language file added
New. Lithuanian language file added
New. Croatian language file added
New. Italian language file updated
New. Simplified Chinese language file updated
New. Hungarian language file updated
New. Turkish language file updated
New. Spanish language file updated
New. French language file updated
New. Polish language file updated
Fix. Inserting JavaScript functions from the Code Completion will now also add ()
Fix. Run PHP scripts without Xdebug
Fix. Default extension in the Save dialog when saving CSS files
Fix. URL in the jQuery menu
Fix. Code completion for JavaScript is now case-sensitive
Fix. Disabled the automatic trigger for the code completion inside strings and comments
Fix. Normal has been replaced with Paragraph on the Format toolbar
Fix. Multi-select in Open project file when using arrows up/down
Fix. Application manager
Fix. Go to declaration
Fix. Removed the welcome screen
Fix. Improved the load order of last opened files on upstart
Fix. Better information/hint if the PHP/Xdebug won't start
Fix. Duplicated classes in $[variable] = new [Code Completion]
Fix. Removed the shortcut ctrl+alt+c for more colors as it conflicts with the Polish keyboard (new installation)
Fix. Removed the shortcut ctrl+alt+o for go to file as it conflicts with the Polish keyboard (new installation)
Fix. Displaying multiple FTP/SFTP sites
Minor fixes and improvements

phpDesigner 7 version 7.0. -- 07. October 2009


New. JavaScript code completion
New. Support for JavaScript Object-oriented programming (OOP)
New. JavaScript code tip with extended information/documentation
New. Support for user-defined JavaScript functions
New. Support for user-defined JavaScript variables
New. Code Explorer for JavaScript
New. Jump to JavaScript declarations
New. Support for the JavaScript framework ExtJS
New. Support for the JavaScript framework jQuery
New. Support for the JavaScript framework Yahoo! UI Library (YUI)
New. Support for the JavaScript framework Dojo
New. Support for the JavaScript framework Prototype
New. Support for the JavaScript framework MooTools
New. Added JavaScript operators to the JavaScript menu
New. Added JavaScript Statements to the JavaScript menu
New. Added JavaScript single line comment to the JavaScript menu
New. Added JavaScript multi-line comment to the JavaScript menu
New. Added History() to the JavaScript menu
New. Code Explorer for CSS
New. Jump to CSS declarations
New. Code completion can now suggest the closing tag for HTML/XHTML
New. Code completion can now suggest the closing tag for XML
New. Inline JavaScript code completion in HTML/XHTML (in events like onclick="...")
New. Inline CSS code completion in HTML/XHTML (style="...")
New. Option to delay the PHP syntax check
New. Added support for SFTP
New. Support for SFTP using password
New. Support for SFTP using key
New. Option to customize the ftp/sftp name in the ftp/sftp manager
New. Added Bookmarks to the Go to menu
New. Support for Google Chrome (browser preview)
New. Support for Microsoft's Bing search engine (Live has been removed)
New. Upgraded to the latest version of HTML Tidy
New. Upgraded to the latest version of PHP (version 5.3) and configured with Xdebug
New. Optimized memory usage on big projects (declarations is now compressed e.g. from 40MB to 15MB for parsed data)
New. Force loading files as UTF-8 (Preferences > General)
New. By default the syntax for PHP is now delayed with 3seconds (previously 1 second)
New. Support for text output (embedded browser - before only support for formatted/html output)
New. Dialog to edit default templates
New. Code completion with supported parameters in the dialog for editing the default templates
New. Option to edit the default HTML/XHTML template
New. Option to edit the default CSS template
New. Option to edit the default XML template
New. Option to edit the default JavaScript template
New. Option to edit the default VBScript template
New. Option to edit the default SQL template
New. Option to edit the default Perl template
New. Option to edit the default Java template
New. Option to edit the default C# template
New. Option to edit the default Python template
New. Option to edit the default Ruby template
New. Option to edit the default Smarty template
New. Option to edit the default No syntax template
New. Save to FTP button added to the File toolbar
New. Copy to FTP button added to the File toolbar
New. By default the Keep text is now on (Preferences > Editor > Code completion)
New. Added Go to menu (Go to declarations etc.)
New. Select file from the menu File has now been renamed to Go to file and moved to the menu Go to
New. Project files has been renamed to Go to project file and moved to the menu Go to
New. Code tip now supports overloaded functions
New. Code completion now support catch(Exception $e) // $e-> will hold Exception class
New. Support for 'user initialized' functions (similar as variables)
New. Support for function parameters initialized by PhpDoc keyword @param
New. Code tip now supports multiple __construct
New. Support for class completion for variables in local scope from global namespace (global $a; $a->[CC])
New. Link to Facebook in the menu About
New. Link to Support in the menu About
New. Panels button added on the Window toolbar
New. Color selector
New. Added comment to the CSS style block (menu CSS)
New. Added CSS comment /* */
New. @Import CSS file
New. Added wizard for creating new sibling CSS Selector
New. Added wizard for creating new child CSS Selector
New. Added wizard for creating new pseudo CSS Selector
New. Link to support in the menu Help
New. Link to the Facebook Page for phpDesigner
New. Link to Tutorials and Resources
New. If you open a file without a file extension it will now use by default the intelligent syntax highlighter (preferences)
New. On drop files on editor area you can now set it to either open the file or insert it as a url (preferences)
New. Option to disable the JavaScript code completion and code tip (preferences)
New. Option to skip the Print Preview (preferences)
New. Option to insert the current file directory in the Search dialog
New. Added support for more special characters in the special characters dialog
New. Support for TortoiseSVN "Resolve"
New. Support for TortoiseSVN "Log"
New. Swedish language file added
New. Croatian language file updated
New. Spanish language file updated
Fixed. By default the find/replace dialog will automatic close after the search
Fixed. Find/replace in all opened documents (previously it marked all files as modified)
Fixed. Code beautifier for PHP (before it removes the space between the variable and the variable type)
Fixed. Scrolling with the mouse inside the embedded browser in phpDesigner
Fixed. Configuring the output directory for Xdebug profiler only if php.ini exists
Fixed. The PHP window is now only displayed if there are errors/warnings on Run
Fixed. Support for changing colors for special tags like <?php ?>
Fixed. Reload project renamed to Rescan Project
Fixed. Search bar inside the embedded browser has been removed use instead the default one in the web browser
Fixed. Better cleanup of unused tmp files when debugging and running files
Fixed. The Preview and Run button has been merged into just Run
Fixed. If file is not modified the tmp file on Run will be ~ + filename
Fixed. If file is modified the tmp file on Run will be ~~ + filename
Fixed. Jump to declaration improved for especially self::/parent::/$this->/$someObj->
Fixed. Application manager
Fixed. Better resolving object properties
Fixed. Better visibility in code tip for parent/self/$this/__construct/extends
Fixed. Better support in code completion and code tip for parent:__constructor()
Fixed. Class body completion for interface methods
Fixed. Fix constructor support for build-in objects
Fixed. Renamed code completion option "If no match found, select the first item" to "Auto-select first item"
Fixed. If file contains error the debugger (Xdebug) will now alert why it cannot start and jump to the error
Fixed. Better text/icons for Web search and searching in the PHP manual
Fixed. Export CSharp syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Import CSharp syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Export VBScript syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Import VBScript syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Export CSS syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Import CSS syntax highlighter (Preferences)
Fixed. Clear all search marks in opened files
Fixed. Auto-closing html/xhtml tags is now by default on
Fixed. Default path for the syntax check for PHP
Fixed. Inserting a phpDoc from the toolbar
Fixed. phpDoc indention on pressing Enter
Fixed. Bookmark positions after performing a search/replace
Fixed. Strip HTML/XHTML tags
Fixed. Printing and dimming
Fixed. Setting the Xdebug profiler output path (support for Vista and Windows 7)
Fixed. Default bold <b> has been replaced with <strong>
Fixed. Default italic <i> has been replaced with <em>
Minor fixes and improvements
[最后修改由 admin, 于 2010-09-25 16:10:09]
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